South East Region

Humphrey Bean

94 High Street
Emailku.oc.noopsrehtew@824p Telephone(01732) 773850
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessCiderParkingWiFiServes LocAleCAMRA Voucher SchemeBeer Festivals
Opening times: Mon–Thu 08:00-24:00; Fri and Sat 08:00-01:00 next day; Sun 08:00-24:00
Regular beers: Greene King Abbot, Ruddles Best Bitter, Sharp's Doom Bar, Tonbridge Easy Street

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Ever-popular Wetherspoon house situated close to Tonbridge castle and the river Medway with ample space and an extensive flower-adorned garden. 12 handpumps in 2 banks, each of 6, provide an interesting range of up to four guest beers from breweries such as Tonbridge, By The Horns and Only With Love, illustrating the commitment to real ale, enhanced by occasional events showcasing a brewery's beers. They have recently added Tonbridge Easy Street Pale Ale as a regular.