South East Region

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale


2 The Street
ME13 0PY
Emailku.oc.eraoeltsaceht@einahpets Telephone(01795) 533674
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsGamesParkingSmokingRestaurantDog Friendly
Opening times: Mon and Tue 12:00-19:00; Wed–Sat 12:00-22:00; Sun 12:00-19:00
Regular beers: Shepherd Neame Master Brew

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Free house located on a corner of the main high street next to Oare Creek, near Faversham. The Castle serves up to three real ales. It has a restaurant area and a small patio garden. The pub hosts several darts teams. The bus service is a new (2024) town council funded one, the Faversham Hopper, and it enables some journeys to and from the pub on Tuesday to Friday lunchtimes.